Thursday, May 23, 2013

4.3 Don't Mess With The Diva

Aaaaand we're back again for another episode of Pollination : Mission Statement!

We'll start off with twins Lyra and Vega bonding over some doll dismemberment. Good quality fun for any sim toddler.

Pollux is still working on that Science skill. Here he's attempting to analyze a gem. For some reason the basement crypt was the only good place to put it down and do so--even though there are plenty of other tables and surfaces upstairs . . . .

At any rate, he was successful in taking a sample and promptly went upstairs to analyze it.

A little later and it was time for the younger twins to have their toddler birthday. Since it was deep in the middle of winter they got winter-themed cakes, and gramma Bellatrix does the honors for both boys. First up is Regulus.

Reggie poofs into a wonderful mix of genetics--his mother's blue and black hair to go with grandpa Centarus' blue skin and yellow-orange eyes as well as the pointed ears.

Then it was Rigel's turn, who got a slightly bigger cheering section than Reggie did.

He poofs into a little daddy-clone, though without the pointed ears. It's a good thing he has such interesting traits.

Having some free time for the moment, daddy Pollux helps Rigel get started on his talking. Not that Rigel seems to want anything to do with any of that nonsense.

Meanwhile mommy is helping Reggie learn to walk.

It was here that Centarus proves how BAWSE he is and actually completes the painting skill challenges without me even actively trying (I was just aiming to get him to the top of the Painter profession). So POINT!

Potty training time!

RIGEL - This sensation is altogether new to me and frankly . . . I like it!
REGGIE - Please don't make this any more uncomfortable than it already is, Rigel . . .

Bellatrix maxed her charisma skill, yaaaay! No point for that, but it's still praise-worthy. *throws confetti*

At last it's time for bed, after a long day of skilling. 

RIGEL - So . . . sleepy . . . OMP

Out in the living-room, Pollux suddenly grabs Patches and surprises her with a kiss.

PATCHES - Pol, what . . . ?

POLLUX - I love both sets of twins, but . . . don't you feel like there's still something missing? How about we try for one more baby?

Pollux said the magic 'baby' word. ^_~

POLLUX - Patches, sweetie . . . you're wearing WAY too many layers for what I have in mind.

Yeah, I have no idea why she suddenly changed into her outerwear to get into bed . . . O_o Despite that, woo-hoo timez were promptly had and lullaby chimes were heard.

That night the Pollinations finally, FINALLLYYYYYYYY got an alien visitor.

It only took Comet digging up a veritable garden of Gigantic Space Rocks to pull it off.

All of the family was asleep so we didn't make any actual introductions. Not 'officially' at least . . . *evil cackle*

But that's for another day. For now, Patches is starting to feel the after-effects of her bedroom Olympics. 

PATCHES - *gurk!*

OMP look! LOOKIT! It's an Abominable Snowman toy!! EEEEE

The boys are now officially skilled (potty, walking, talking) so both sets of twins indulged in some bonding time over the blocks table. I'm not bothering with having all the toddlers read ALL of the skill books. It just seems a waste to me if they're never going to use that skill in life.

Pollux continues with his scientific tinkering. Here he's boosting the quality of a sprig of peppermint.

Patches continues with . . . puking. Poor thing.

But alas, the baby-bump soon arrives to put a stop to that. Bye-bye puking, hello backaches and crazy food cravings.

Lyra enjoys watching the ghost of her great-great grandpa Six play some Madden.

While Rigel loves him some dinosaur. He may be a clone of his daddy, but Rigel has some very cute faces. He might just save himself from my apathy yet.

But first, BIRTHDAY! Time for the eldest to reach childhood stage. Daddy and gramma are on standby to cheer her on.

VEGA - I'm filthy. 

You are not. -_-

Vega successfully ages up and rolls the Neat trait.

It's at this point that I suddenly realize that none of the children had inherited the Imaginary Friend trait. Confused, I double-checked Patches and lo and behold, for some reason she no longer had the trait either. -_- Since she was pregnant I couldn't fix her right away, which means the newest kid(s) won't be, either. I decided to roll on a set of dice to determine whether the kids got the trait, and use Master Controller accordingly. 

Vega was the only one who rolled positive out of the current children. So she's now officially a carrier of the Imaginary Friend occult trait.

Moving on though, it was time for Lyra to have her turn at the cake.

LYRA - Yay birthday! I love birthdays, birthdays are so much fun and--oh dear, I've gone cross-eyed . . .

Lyra also successfully aged up into a child, rolling the Angler trait.

POLLUX - But-but! I want cake!

No cake for joo. You're not hungry, and I have a mission for you anyways. Time to go to the store and buy some of the new herbs and coffee beans. Go nao!

Pollux's eldest daughters WERE hungry, however, so they got to enjoy a slice of birthday cake together.

While momma Patches got in some play time with the boys.

Since Vega loves the cold, she managed to convince Lyra to go outside and build a snowman together.

They were successful. And then,

LYRA - Quick, behind you! There's a huge pile of stinky, dirty GARBAGE!

VEGA - *GASP* What?! Where?!

LYRA - *scoops up snow ball*

VEGA - Hey, I don't see any garbage . . . it's not nice to lie to your twin sister, Lyra . . .

LYRA - Ehehehehehehe


Thus began an epic snowball fight to end all snowball fights.

I decided to give Patches a break from children and cookbooks and allowed her to indulge her Party Animal trait with some good ol' fashioned Smustle.

After the snowball fight was declared a draw, Lyra went inside to play some chess. Genius trait and all.

While Vega decided to channel her mother and get her boogie on as well. At least until she broke the stereo . . . -_-

I tried to have Bellatrix fix it . . . note to self, do not send Clumsy sims with no Handiness skill to try and fix electronics.

BELLATRIX - How could you?

It was a momentary lapse! I totally forgot she was Clumsy. XD

After getting a shower to get rid of her singed-ness, Bellatrix decided she wanted to give Comet a bath. Comet has been around, mostly sniffing out collectables in between eating, sleeping and chewing on things.

Pollux has made it to Medical Intern! Moving right along in his medical career. This also means that he's now on-call.

And then Patches decides to go into labor while in the middle of cooking some spaghetti. Thank the sim gods for the Fireproof Homestead LTH-Reward. -_-

CENTARUS - What are you doing?! Are you trying to burn the house down?!?!

Relax, Cen. I got this. Pollux, take your wife to the hospital. Bellatrix, you come finish the spaghetti. And Cen, you finish your slice of birthday cake and get yourself to bed. :P

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Pollux was suddenly called in for an emergency--it amused me to think that Patches herself was the emergency--so once she'd given birth Patches came back to the house alone . . . with a basket . . . .

Introducing the first born, a girl named Auriga Pollination! Auriga was born with the Good and Perceptive traits. She's a fan of Classical music, Cobbler and the color Aqua. Auriga also rolled positive on the Imaginary Friend trait.

And this is Algol Pollination! Algol was born with the Absent-Minded and Clumsy traits (oh dear). He likes Country music, Lobster Thermidor and the color Sea-Foam. Algol rolled positive on the Imaginary Friend trait as well.

(Also, if you're wondering at the purple skin - it's actually from Centarus' skin color, it's a 'scatter-gene' custom skin that has a range of colors on the same tone.)

Aaaaand lastly (of COURSE she had triplets when I only needed one more baby -_-), we have Altair Pollination! Altair was born with the Neurotic and Artistic traits.

So . . . many . . . babies . . . *quiet sobbing* 

PATCHES - *rolls wish to have a baby while staring at Pollux*

No. NO. Seven kids is PLENTY. You can take that wish and go DIAF.

We're a little strapped for space so unfortunately Lyra and Vega have to share space with the triplets for now. Poor Lyra is especially hard-put, having the Light Sleeper trait. Even if the babies don't cry, as soon as someone comes in to snuggle or play with them she gets woken up.

VEGA - I haaaaate baaaaabieeeeeees!

Well then, pray you don't win heirship, because it's all about babies . . .

From the lighting, you can see that it's a full moon. Our two zombie visitors decided to hang out in the outdoor spa, which amused me. Zombies need relaxation and skin-care too, apparently.

Then I REALLY lol'd when ghost-Bart came out to hang with them.

Babies, babies everywhere . . . Thank goodness I've got Bellatrix and Centarus to help Patches. So far Pollux has managed to get called in every night this week, which has led to him nearly passing out a couple of times.

Even though Bella works, it's only 3 days a week and only for four hours. I have to wonder what part she's playing in THIS outfit though . . . O_o

While she and Pollux are at work, once again Patches and Centarus are on cake-up duty. This time the triplets are leaving worm-hood behind. Grandpa does the honors with Auriga.

She poofs into a toddler, mixing her daddy's green skin and tri-toned hair with her mama's bright turquoise eyes.

CENTARUS - I suddenly don't feel so well . . .

Noooooo! No, you can't die yet, Centarus! You're my primary assistant baby-care-giver!

CENTARUS - I'm dying?! Oh no! . . . . Bellatrix will be so upset! D:

What about meeeeeee?!?!

Despite my protests, Centarus continued to the ghostly afterlife.

Patches was in the middle of caking up Algol, so she couldn't react to the death right away.

PATCHES - I suddenly feel a cold and grim presence behind me . . . I'm just not going to turn around. That seems logical. Just focus on the cake. Aaaaaall about the cake . . . .

That dark and ominous shadow behind her was Grim, of course. Here to reap my Gen 3 spouse without remorse.

GRIM - Wait! Nobody move! . . . dropped my damn contact lens again!

For what it's worth, Centarus shook Grim's hand and went quietly into his urn without a fuss.

MAID - This is my first day on the job and I'm already watching people die . . . mom TOLD me to stay away from Legacy houses.

After putting Algol down to age up, Patches was finally able to demonstrate her grief. I let her do that for a moment or two before shooting herself with the Moodlet Manager. There's more birthdays to be had, after all!

But first! Little Algol's transformation into an adorable toddler! He got Centarus' blue hair to go with his dad's purple eyes and his own unique purpley skintone.

Finally, it was Altair's turn. The creeped-out maid was kind enough to cheer him on before declaring she was done for the day--without ever cleaning anything--and taking off. Given the circumstances, I forgave her just this once.

Altair poofed into toddler-hood, also with grandpa Centarus' blue hair and blue skin to go with his daddy's purple eyes. I tell you, these purple eyes have become the gene to beat in this legacy. Five out of the seven kids have them. -_-*

Bellatrix came home from work and immediately started helping Patches with the babies.

She was heart-broken, though. Her imprinted mate and the love of her life was gone. All the grand-babies in the world couldn't seem to fill the void he'd left behind.

She still did her best to struggle through it, helping Altair learn to talk while Patches worked with Algol.

But suddenly, a fresh wave of grief washed over her and it was just too much to bear.

BELLATRIX - Screw this. If Cen isn't here, I don't want to be here either.

Wat?! WHAT?!?!?!? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Seriously. Centarus had just died, like, six sim-hours before.

GRIM - What the sh*t?! Wasn't I JUST here?!

BELLATRIX - I decided I wanted to die now, so get to reaping.

GRIM - What? You can't just . . . I'M the Grim Reaper! I decide when sims die, not you!

BELLATRIX - You listen here, skeleton-boy. I'm THE Bellatrix Pollination and if I decide I want to die now then that's damn well what I'm gonna do! Now take me to my Centarus! NOW!

GRIM - . . . yes ma'am.

Well, there goes my baby helpers. -_-* 

I'll admit, it was bittersweet and romantic that Bellatrix and Centarus died so closely together. Still, this means that Patches is going to have to deal with five toddlers largely on her own . . . .

Goodbye Bellatrix and Centarus, you will be missed.

Unfortunately we had to end on a sad note with this update. But despite the loss, the enormous brood of Pollinations continues to grow. Will Patches be able to handle all of these babies on her own? Will Pollux be able to cope with such a demanding job on top of so many children? Find out next time on Pollination : Mission Statement! Until then, happy simming!


Generations - 5
LTWs Complete - 7
Portraits - 14
100,000 Simoleons Earned - 5
100,000 Lifetime Happiness Points Earned - 8
Skill Challenges Complete - 1

Total = 40 Points

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