Monday, July 30, 2012

3.9 Metamorphium Mambo

Back again for another chapter of the Pollinations! We're rolling up near the end of this generation, it won't be long before we have another heir vote! But for now, a quick shot of the boys' room. They moved into the spare bedroom while the nursery has become the playroom.

Outside, Six is endearing himself to me even more. I've never caught a sim sticking their tongue to a block of ice before. XD

SIX - Not funny. That hurt. :<

I beg to differ, Sixy. It was pretty darned funny to me.

Inside the house the IF dolls were becoming real. I don't know which is which because they look the same. So this is Jelly Bean or Patches.

And this one is the other. XD

Patches belongs to Pollux. They got their chat on right away, as you can see.

And Jelly Bean belongs to Castor. They also chatted it up. And it amuses me that Pollux is now talking to thin air. Hehehe

Nothing like a good ol' game of whack-a-Pollination to make you feel better about yourself. Note that they went into the boys' parents room to play. It amuses me that kids do that.

Castor and Jelly Bean stayed out in the living room to bash each other silly with feather bags.

Then Couch Potato Castor managed to convince her to play a rousing video game session with him. Her facial expression directly contradicts her speech bubble though . . . O_o

JELLY BEAN - This game is GARBAGE! YAY! >:D

Being a little Genius sim, Pollux has set himself to trying to learn the Imaginary Friend potion. If you've noticed, both Patches and Jelly Bean are female. I have plaaaannnnssss . . . .

Unfortunately Pollux has some less than encouraging results at first. Poor little guy.

I'm still sending Bellatrix out and about to the clubs at night. Since she drives her Motive Mobile (photobombing through the fish tank) her work doesn't suffer. Unfortunately she's not really getting any discounts or ppl asking for autographs or taking pictures, so she's not getting any celeb status out of it. -_-*

Some quick age-ups. Scorpini's eldest, Acturus, is now a teen. A nice mixture of both parents I think.

Their second son, Bootes, is now a child. VERY cute, hat and all. Not sure where the nose comes from, but otherwise he's very much mama I think.

Spica's son Taurus is now a teenager. His eyes are so TINY. I blame Black Lipstick Man. Other than that, he's not too bad.

Random shot of Six enjoying some tasty pancakes. I really have no idea why I took this picture other than that . . .

The boys are off to their first day of school. It might be hard to spot, because the bus is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over yonder, behind the stalker truck.

Awwweh, they both look so nervous. D: Good luck sweeties! You'll be fine, I promise. And if not, I'll smite them all with meteors. ^_^

Six was going stir-crazy from never leaving the house, so I decided to send him out to his old stomping grounds (Criminal Hideout). He bought it out. :P

The Elvis-wannabe repair guy we hired to fix some things around the house was doing absolutely NOTHING so I had Bellatrix can his butt. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out, buddy. GTFO.

Back out to another club that night. This time it was back to P.U.R.E.

But all of a sudden the camera was yanked back to the home lot, and it turns out some sad events were taking place. D: Time for Six to go join his mate in the hereafter.

Unfortunately the boys were home, and heartbroken to see their grandpa pass on.

. . . and Pollux needs a snack, too. Fyi.

GRIM - Yo, somebody call for a reaping?

Goodbye Six Pollination. Despite your evilness you made an awesome mate/husband and an even more awesome father. I'll miss you! At least until you come back to haunt me. Literally. :P

Back at the club we had some interesting fellow patrons. This is Adult Andromeda, still dressed in her DNA Profiler outfit. I never got around to switching her hairstyle back from a non-default after she aged.

Same thing with Aquila, here.

BELLATRIX - Hey, who're you glaring at?

AQUILA - I have no idea. >_<

Poor boys. Bellatrix and Centarus are able to cure their mourning, but the boys are stuck with it.

I kid you not, this maid just got done drinking TWO juice boxes and then she went for an ice cream carton before deciding she was done for the day and charging me 125 simoleons for EATING MY FOOD. -_- *SMITE*

That night the twins got the opportunity to go to a badge ceremony. Both of them were in the scouts. Castor is apparently at a loss for words/thoughts as they head into the school.

Centarus was on hand for the ceremony. Bellatrix was too, but I failed to get a shot of her. Pollux looks so cute in his little scout uniform!

And Castor too, eeee!

They both got little plaques of their sashes to commemorate the occasion.

Last update I mentioned moving in a whole family of nothing but actors and directors. This happens to be one of them, Starfruit Parfait, a yellow berry. She's actually Bellatrix's boss now.

She's a very . . . interesting sim. LAWL @ that face.

Bells invited her over for some socialization after work. I think the only way she's going to be able to increase her celeb status is through friendships of other celebrities.

I randomly decided to give her a different hairstyle. I like this one better, it suits her face shape more.

Showing off her new formalwear at the Tribal club. I'm aiming to get her up to club-dancing level.

Bellatrix still makes time for her hubby in between all the acting gigs and clubbing though. *eyebrow wag*

Aww Patches. I think she knows what Pollux is up to and why.

However Castor actually got the opportunity from the science facility in order to get a potion. Luckily Comet had dug up a rainbow gem a while ago so he was able to send off for one. Now we just need to get a potion for Pollux . . .

Pollux managed to discover a potion at last, though it wasn't the IF one. Still, any progress is progress I suppose.

POLLUX - I wonder what this will do . . .

POLLUX - Only one way to find out I suppose. DOWN THE HATCH!

Luckily that's the Mood Enhancer, not the horror or bladder flow. XD After that, it was back to the chem lab.

We're saving the potion until the boys reach teen stage. Castor continues to socialize and hang out with Jelly Bean in the mean time, however. Here she is complimenting their house.

And giving each other a hug. D'awwwwww.

Bellatrix ordered some food at the bar and the minute the bartender set it down it became Horrifying Quality and she couldn't eat it. O_o Weird . . .

CASSI! So glad to see her out and about. Enjoying a great game of Need for Speed apparently.

Aww, Pollux. He blows himself up two or three times a day, unfortunately. Despite being a Genius and level 5 or 6 in his Logic skill, too. O_o

The potion-making will have to wait for a bit, because it's time for BIRTHDAYS again!

Simultaneous twin posing, FTW! Also, Bellatrix is EXCITE. :P

Introducing teen Castor! He rolled the trait Good Kisser. And in case you're wondering, his t-shirt says "I'm Munna EAT CHOO!" :P

And introducing teen Pollux! He rolled the trait Natural Born Performer. He now takes showers with FLAIR. Lolol

Now in their teenhood, it was time for Castor to give Jelly Bean her IF Metamorphium potion.

Metamorphium is a GO! . . . . .

While we wait for that to actually take effect, Pollux continues working on making his own. He's determined.

Aw, dangit Centarus! I need to SELL these for your job! Stop painting awesome paintings that I have to keep!! >_<

*several sim hours later* Finally! Jelly Bean is now a real girl . . . and Castor's thought bubble reveals just how happy he is about this turn of events. 

Like most IFs, Jelly Bean is pretty gorgeous. Her hair is a dark pinkish red with black streaks, her eyes a very striking shade of turquoise. Being an official member of the household, her stats are as follows; She's a Party-Animal Couch Potato sim who is Dramatic and Eco-Friendly. She enjoys Classical music, Tri-Tip Steak and the color Lavender.

She and Castor waste no time getting to know each other a bit better, either.

JELLY BEAN - A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, know what I mean?

CASTOR - Oh, definitely.

Thus they discovered that they were both couch potatoes, and bonded accordingly.

Then Castor started turning on the charm . . .

First Kiss!

They make a very adorable couple. Castor also managed to secure her promise to attend the up-coming Prom with him.

Party Animal sim that she was, Jelly Bean immediately started working on her dance moves for the upcoming event. Boogie-down, sweetheart. Boogie-down.

How's the potion-making coming alo-- . . . oh.

POLLUX - Not. A. Word.

He also managed to get the opportunity from the science lab before he aged up . . . maybe it's time I sent Comet back out looking for more rainbow gems . . . .

Until then, poor Patches is still stuck as a doll. At least she has yummy rainbow cupcakes to sustain her for now.

Will Pollux manage to turn Patches real in time for the prom? Will Bellatrix EVER reach the top of celeb status? Will Centarus continue to torture me with AWESOME paintings that I don't want to sell? Find out next time! Til then, happy simming!



Generations - 4
LTWs Complete - 4
Portraits - 12
100,000 Simoleons Earned - 3
100,000 Aspiration Points Earned - 6
Skill Challenges Complete - 0

Total = 29 Points