
So just what is this tom-foolery?

This, my friends, is yet ANOTHER Sims 3 Legacy! Woooo! *blissfully ignores the groans and complaints*

I'm pretty much following the rules of Pinstar's Legacy Challenge, though I'm not gonna be super-crazy-strict with myself. If I decide to bend a rule (most likely by adding spouses to the neighborhood if they're all incredibly unfortunate in the genetics department), then so be it. I'll be keeping loose score, I'll mention it from time to time. This will also be written primarily in the commentary style, with some story plot thrown in every once in a while to mix things up whenever I feel like it. I also plan on holding an heir poll at the end of every generation, to give some reader interactivity. Cause that's always fun, right?

Can you feel the dedication yet? FEEEEEEL IT!

I got my idea for this legacy by reading the awesome Poi Boi's Pollination Legacy, so credits to him for making an awesome read. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend. It is the awesome. That being said, there will be occasional curse words, adult themes, and at least the first pairing of this legacy will be two male sims. Thus it is rated as 'adult content.' If that bothers you then don't bother reading. You'll save us both a headache.

If you're still with me, enjoy your stay! I hope you enjoy my retelling of my sims' craziness. Comment if it suits you, here or on Livejournal, I love feedback. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I work for a Sims 3 magazine and I have been reading your legacy. My task is to interview a simmer's legacy and review it. I was wondering if you would like to have your legacy featured. If so, e-mail me at applemuffinpancakes@gmail.com.
