Sunday, June 23, 2013

4.5 Failing the Cake

Hello everybody, and welcome back to another edition of the Pollination : Mission Statement! Legacy. 

We're kicking things right off today with a party! It's time for the eldest of the newest brood--Lyra and Vega--to reach their teenage years and I decided to make it a family affair by throwing a party and inviting over all the spares and their babies. 

First to arrive was Andromeda. I seriously have no idea how she's still alive. Both of her younger siblings (Bellatrix and Scorpius) and even her twin Aquila have all passed on but somehow Andromeda's still kickin.

ANDROMEDA - I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

I also took this opportunity to give them all quicky make-overs because some of their outfits were downright hideous. Ohey, who's that running toward us in the background?

It's Spica, daughter of Gen 2 spare Antares! Spica has remained single and adopted like six cats through story progression, so I gave her the oh-so-fitting cat sweater. :P I love it.

Next up is Pollux's twin Castor! Hai Castor! You're looking adorable as always.

CASTOR - Thanks?

No problem. Now, get to makin' more spare babies!

CASTOR - On it!

He actually is. He and Jellybean have recently had a daughter named Capricorn, we'll see her in another update.

Up next we have Gen 4 spare Scorpius' eldest Arcturus to the right, and to the left, grandson of Gen 2 spare Orion, Pegasus. Wow, Orion's side of the family tree is doing QUITE well. *wolf whistle*

PEGASUS - I don't even . . .

ARCTURUS - What the heck am I, chopped liver?  D:

Pegasus was soon followed by his mama, Orion's only daughter Virgo.

This hunky manz is Spica's only son, Taurus. He reminds me a lot of Bart and it makes me smile.

And finally, we have Scorpius' youngest son Bootes on the right, and Castor's son Sagittarius to the left.

SAGITTARIUS - Man . . . I love me some me.

BOOTES - Ooookay then . . . sidling over here to the side.

The other Pollinations who were invited were either too busy or couldn't be bothered to show up. :/

ANDROMEDA - So kid, when do we get to the cake? 

REGULUS - Um . . . do I know you . . . ?

ANDROMEDA - Seriously kid, cake! At my age I don't have time to dilly-dally!

Once the Pollinations stopped pouring in, I went ahead and sent Lyra and Vega to their cakes. 

LYRA - This is it! One step closer to young adulthood and a future of endless fishing!

VEGA - You seriously have no idea how hard that dirty dish behind me is twerking me out right now . . . .

They were both excited to blow out their candles. For . . . various reasons.

Sadly the only ones who could be bothered to come and celebrate with the girls was Spica, Patches, Andromeda (for the cake) and surprisingly enough Reggie. All you other Pollinations have FAILED your founder, Seven! If he could see you now, not giving a crap when birthday cake is involved . . . well, I just shake my head in shame and disappointment. -_-*

Despite the lack of cheering, the girls managed to age up into VERY pretty teens. First up is Lyra, rolling the Over-Emotional trait. Hoo boy.

And next is Vega, rolling the Green-Thumb trait. Yay! Finally a trait that will give her a hobby for me to focus on. XD I'm always at a loss as to what to do with poor Vega.

I eventually sent the pack of disappointing Pollinations home. Seriously, most of them didn't even make it inside. It was a gallon of fail-sauce.

Our current heir continued playing with his science research machine . . . and then made the momentous mistake of accidentally irradiating a COCKROACH of all things.

POLLUX - Hmm . . . this roach is glowing . . . Imma pick it up.


It bit him. *sarcastic shock face*

POLLUX - Aaaaassdjgwdfhguwrgh! 

Your Genius trait is a lie.

POLLUX - Oh nuggets. 

Luckily the only thing Super-Toxic-Roach did was make him sick for a few hours.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the house . . . .


Regulus was breaking the trash compactor. Way to go, Reggie. Straight-up winning.

Rigel was getting interrupted from his Formal Inventing Time.

RIGEL - Who are you?! Interloper! Spy for the Space-Bargles! Identify yourself or be punched in the abdominal cavity!

KOCHAB - Uuh . . . my name's Kochab Pollination, I'm Arcturus' son? I'm . . . here for the birthday party?

RIGEL - Oh. Well that ended like ten hours ago, you fail at life. Now begone cousin, I must continue my work! The Space-Bargles are not going to eradicate themselves!

I didn't kick him off the lot, but Kochab left soon after of his own accord. Whether because he was scared of Rigel's crazies or sad about the lack of cake will remain a mystery.


SEVEN - All the descendents are sleeping . . . I dare you to go into one of their rooms and wake 'em up!

CENTARUS - That's kinda mean, isn't it?

SEVEN - They failed the cake, which means they failed me.

Centarus promptly went into the boys' room and laughed at Rigel. Unfortunately I'd recently downloaded a mod that got rid of the "Ah! Ghost!" reaction, so he slept right through it.

CENTARUS - Awww, lame.    :<

Ghostie Comet also decided to haunt that night! All my pets always turn into red ghosts. I fail at keeping pets happy apparently. XD

REGULUS - And so you see, Rigel, the best thing to do with your inventions is to sell them on the black market and make oodles of cash. It's a fool-proof plan!

RIGEL - At least until the Space-Bargles get a hold of them and use my genius to destroy the world.

REGULUS - *sigh* . . . you and those damned Space-Bargles.

VEGA - Watch your mouth Reggie--.

LYRA - --or we're telling mom.

REGULUS - . . . . Fine, I'll never curse again if you two promise NEVER to do that creepy 'finish each others' sentence' thing EVER again.

The eldest Pollinations are 'enjoying' a nice group homework session.

Why hallooooo there pretty, pretty child! Not sure if many of you remember, but one of Bellatrix's work friends was a very pretty yellow berry sim by the name of Starfruit Forleaf. This here is her youngest child, Magadalena. I'm thinking one of the twin boys will take her for their own.

MAGGIE - Um, wat?

Not sure which boy she came home with, but she seems to favor Rigel.

MAGGIE - Most kids don't like eating their vegetables, but I actually love them!

RIGEL - This is good. Veggies are a first-line defense against Space-Bargle invasion.

MAGGIE - *giggle* You're so crazy, Rigel.

You really have no idea. No idea at all.

Meanwhile Lyra and Vega were both casting their eyes about for potential mates. It was revealed to me that Vega was bi-sexual, so given that her closest friend at school is a girl--Christina Northrop--we decided to focus our attention on her.

Lyra's--who is straight--crush is the result of another berry couple in town, Icicle Winters. Both teens sent out a couple of secret-admirer texts. Let's hope they're well received!

The next morning Vega decided she hates life. Teen mood-swing anyone?

Apparently the thing to do in that situation is go out to the sauna and read a book with your mom while a zombie gets a relaxing mud-bath treatment.

Sims, ladies and gentlemen.

Just a cute picture of Lyra, observing her surroundings. <3 Genius sims. And GAH her and her sister are so forking pretty. O_o

Guys? Guys! It's no wonder your children get way more attention than you!

POLLUX - I have to read this for my job!  :<

PATCHES - And that's the way of legacies anyway, SimGod, so stop trying to pretend otherwise.

I'd argue buuuut . . . yah.

The next day after school, Vega and Lyra each called their crushes and made their move.

VEGA - Hey Christina! How about you come over to my place this afternoon and we can hang out? . . . You will! Great, see you soon!

LYRA - Hey Icicle, want to come over to my house today? . . . Oh, you have to work? Okay then, I'll try calling back in a few hours. 

Vega had more luck than poor Lyra, sadly.

In due time, Christina showed up on the lot.

Wow, delayed text is delayed? Well at least her reaction seems positive! That's a good sign.

VEGA - Thanks for coming over Chris!

CHRIS - Sure, no problem! I like hanging out with you Veg.

VEGA - I like hanging out with you too, Christina . . . you have such pretty blue eyes . . . .

CHRIS - Oh, heheh. Thanks.

Flirt social is positive!

VEGA - Screw it, Imma go for it! *glomp-snog!*

Heat of the Moment Kiss social is not positive.  D:

CHRIS - What the hell, Vega?! What was that?! You don't just grab somebody and kiss them!

VEGA - Oh gawd I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me! I'm part alien and part imaginary friend doll and I guess that makes me a freak of nature and now I'll never go to prom and die alone and lonely like great-aunt Spicaaaaaaa! *sob sob sob*

CHRIS - Wow, Vega, geez. Calm down a sec.

CHRIS - If you want to go to prom together, that's cool. I wouldn't mind that. Just . . . let's wait a while and get to know each other better before we start playing tonsil hockey, okay?

VEGA - *pout* Okaaay.

Hey, at least she agreed to go to Prom with you. At least you've gotten that far. Your poor sister on the other hand . . . .

LYRA - Hey Icicle, are you done yet--wait, what? What do you mean you're busy for the next twenty-four hours? What, did you get kidnapped or something?! . . . Icicle? . . . H-hello?

Sadly, Icicle has refused all attempts to call or invite over. I think poor Lyra is going to be forced to move on. Which is sad because he has pretty genetics.

Ohai Pollux! Doin' something besides working or playing mad-scientist?

POLLUX - Yep! I'm playin' online with Castor!

I thought that was adorable, that the twins got to play online games together. Cheesy-gamer-nerd <--- .

REGULUS - Yessss . . . yeeeeeeesss . . . the lolly shall be mine! ALL MINE!

Oh Reggie. Still tormenting your younger siblings, I see.

Poor Auriga was the unfortunate victim this go-around.

Luckily that day was her and her brothers' birthday though, so they'd be old and big enough to fight back against Reggie's candy tyranny.

Auriga becomes a very pretty child, rolling the Perfectionist trait.

Next up to the cake was Algol.

He also successfully transitions into a child, rolling the Frugal trait. Looking at him now, I think I gave him a rather unfortunate haircut for his face-shape . . . oh well, the teen years will come soon enough.

And finally, baby Altair. Ignore the other cake on the counter that's making me a liar. This is the order that it happened!!!! . . . *shifty eyes*

Daww, he's so cute! Altair rolls the trait Clumsy. Neurotic AND clumsy . . . that can only end well, right?

The nursery gets made-over in the triplets' very matching favorite colors.

As adorkable as Altair is, I'm afraid he doesn't get as much attention as his siblings and this is the reason why. He's artistic, which has default-nominated him to become my portrait slave now that Centarus is gone.

ALTAIR - *sigh*


ALTAIR - Yeah, yeah. That's why this is literally the last picture of me for this entire update.

Uh . . . um . . . oops? But he loves it, don't let him fool you. Just about the only thing he rolls wishes for is to paint. :P

Meanwhile Algol is using his newfound freedom to search the stars for alien life. Psst - Imma let you in on a secret . . . they're a lot closer to home.

Auriga had herself a rip-roaring time on the rest of the playground objects, like the swing. So cute!

CASSIE - Yay! My great-granddaughters are SO PRETTY!

Oh Cassiopeia, as adorable as always I see.

REGULUS - These interlopers have to be dealt with, Rigel. They're threatening my eventual take-over.

RIGEL - I dunno, Reggie. I kinda like 'em. Me and Altair searched the bathroom for Bargles earlier, it was fun.

REGULUS - . . . you are dead to me.

Algol continued to ham it up, now on the blocks table.

Auriga found the family laptop and was having conversations with strangers.


Luckily she got distracted by the nasty toilet and then helpfully cleaned it for me. Since there are so many sims in the house, I tend to let them do whatever unless I need them to do something specific . . . hence the randomness.

AURIGA - Don't think I haven't forgotten all the times you stole my candy when I was little, Reggie.

REGULUS - Yeah . . . this is my 'no f*cks to give' face.

PATCHES - REGGIE! Get in the corner, NOW!

REGULUS - What?! Lame!

AURIGA - Riga - 1, Reggie - 0

RIGEL - I'm a Tribal Councilman, dad! See me?! Dad!

POLLUX - Mm-hm, good for you son.

Just a typical afternoon in the Pollinations house . . . Regulus is Evil, Auriga is Good. Their relationship is about what you'd suspect because of that.

Having given up somewhat on her love life, Lyra has poured almost all of her energy into her first love - fishing.

Patches has a lot of free time on her hands now, with no babies to take care of, hence the bubble-bath . . . hm-m . . . Since she's maxed out cooking, I think I'll sign her up for a job at the Bistro. We could use another uuber-fridge to replace the one we lost from Bart.

PATCHES - Wait, wat? But I liked being a housewife!

We have a maid, we dun need a housewife. XD

This guy came home with the girls the next afternoon. Not a bad face, and his eyes are kinda pretty . . . Quick Vega, screen him!

RANDOM BOY - I just LOVE what you've done with that ensemble. It's simply FABulous.

VEGA - Uum . . . yeah. I don't think he's swinging for the right team. Sorry Ly.

LYRA - FML. I'll just do my homework in the floor then. 

Sadly, he was gay and had no interest in the girls other than sharing fashion tips. Oh well.

I finally remembered to let Vega start her little garden out back. For a neat sim, she takes a surprising amount of joy in playing with dirt.

RANDOM LADY - I hate you legacy kids, running around town doing whatever the hell you feel like! You DISGUST me!

AURIGA - WTF, lady? Who are you?! Do you drive the short bus or something?

REGULUS - Hehehe, best five-dollar allowance ever spent. Reggie - 1, Riga - 0

I seriously have no idea why this lady randomly started yelling at Auriga, but it amused me to think that near-by Reggie had a hand in it. :P

Well that's it for this installment! Check back next time to see how Lyra and Vega's prom turns out, the middle twins age up to teens and I'm sure much more shenanigans ensue. Til then, happy simming!


Generations - 5
LTWs Complete - 7
Portraits - 14
100,000 Simoleons Earned - 5
100,000 Lifetime Happiness Points Earned - 8
Skill Challenges Complete - 1

Total = 40 Points

PREVIOUS                                                      NEXT


  1. D'awww, I hope the girls find some love soon! Great update :D

    1. Me too! D: I was so heart-broken when Christina turned poor Vega down. It was so sad. Thankies for commenting!!

  2. I suddenly like Vega a lot more than I did before. I thought my favorite was going to be Algol but right now Vega's in the lead in my book.

    1. Heheh, very interesting! Was it because she got turned down so hard by her love interest? Lol Either way, I'm glad you have a favorite! And thanks so much for reading and commenting. :)

  3. Love this so freakin much! My all time favorite sim blog :D
    I'm so excited for more and can't wait to read again. Been reading for a while now but can't stop. *Goes through withdraws* I'm gunna need something else to do now >.>
